You might ask yourself “What is all this? Soil? Wind? Seeds? Are you nuts?”. well, first of all, yes I am nuts, otherwise I wouldn’t create a web 1.0 inspired weblog in 2021. But to get back to your (probably expected) question, let me explain what all this is about.

Zen Garden: This is my personal, highly unprofessional, digital Zen Garden. A space where I can try things outside of my professional loop. Or, let’s say, this Zen Garden is me. This is my experimental and metaphorical take on a classical “About Me” page.

s0!l: The s0!l, or for non-nerds “Soil” is me. The Human, Marvin. It can be described as the soil of the Zen Garden. My basic self, my identity, my fundamental principles. Things that will basically never change or would take a long time and a lot of (self) evaluation to be changed. It is the DNA of my takes, of my ideas.

w!nd: The w!nd is the direction I am currently going. I was inspired about this by the Now Movement, a sententia to express what you are basically doing right now. As I am a pretty lazy guy when it comes to my own projects, I’ve modified the idea to fit into my Zen Garden. The w!nd is what currently moves me and influences my decisions. As you can imagine, winds can change their directions, split apart, come together and be whatever they want to be right now. To me, w!nd is “temporarily permanent”, my most used oxymoron.

s33ds: To finish it off, s33ds are ideas that I have and that I want to try. Over time these seeds will prosper to beautiful flowers.

pl4nts: coming as soon as my s33ds grow.

This website is handcrafted by myself under the influence of a lot of tea, coffee, water and a unbelievable amount of swedish oat-cookies. The technology is based on Jekyll and the website is hosted on Vultr (Referral link).

This website is intended to be a digital hideaway to express my personal thoughts, ideas, feelings and interests to family, friends and everyone that randomly finds this website. I do not hand out my personal eMail address or telephone number, however, for legal reasons you can check out my imprint.

Some of the dynamic content (articles) might contain information I’ve gained through the years of my profession but only reflect my personal thoughts about that. I do not take any responsibility for their correctness and want to note that they do not reflect the views of any of my professional enterprises and relationships.